95 research outputs found

    Static Detection of Race Conditions in Erlang

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    We address the problem of detecting some commonly occurring kinds of race conditions in Erlang programs using static analysis. Our analysis is completely automatic, fast and scalable, and avoids false alarms by taking language characteristics into account. We have integrated our analysis in dialyzer, a commonly used tool for detecting software defects in Erlang programs which is part of Erlang/OTP, and evaluate its effectiveness and performance on a suite of widely used industrial and open source programs of considerable size. The analysis has detected a significant number of previously unknown race conditions

    Test-Driven Development of Concurrent Programs using Concuerror

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    This paper advocates the test-driven development of concurrent Erlang programs in order to detect early and eliminate the vast majority of concurrency-related errors that may occur in their execution. To facilitate this task we have developed a tool, called Concuerror, that exhaustively explores process interleaving (possibly up to some preemption bound) and presents detailed interleaving information of any errors that occur. We describe in detail the use of Concuerror on a non-trivial concurrent Erlang program that we develop step by step in a test-driven fashion

    Systematic Testing for Detecting Concurrency Errors in Erlang Programs

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    We present the techniques used in Concuerror, a systematic testing tool able to find and reproduce a wide class of concurrency errors in Erlang programs. We describe how we take advantage of the characteristics of Erlang's actor model of concurrency to selectively instrument the program under test and how we subsequently employ a stateless search strategy to systematically explore the state space of process interleaving sequences triggered by unit tests. To ameliorate the problem of combinatorial explosion, we propose a novel technique for avoiding process blocks and describe how we can effectively combine it with preemption bounding, a heuristic algorithm for reducing the number of explored interleaving sequences. We also briefly discuss issues related to soundness, completeness and effectiveness of techniques used by Concuerror

    Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models

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    Large language models are becoming increasingly practical for translating code across programming languages, a process known as transpilingtranspiling. Even though automated transpilation significantly boosts developer productivity, a key concern is whether the generated code is correct. Existing work initially used manually crafted test suites to test the translations of a small corpus of programs; these test suites were later automated. In contrast, we devise the first approach for automated, functional, property-based testing of code translation models. Our general, user-provided specifications about the transpiled code capture a range of properties, from purely syntactic to purely semantic ones. As shown by our experiments, this approach is very effective in detecting property violations in popular code translation models, and therefore, in evaluating model quality with respect to given properties. We also go a step further and explore the usage scenario where a user simply aims to obtain a correct translation of some code with respect to certain properties without necessarily being concerned about the overall quality of the model. To this purpose, we develop the first property-guided search procedure for code translation models, where a model is repeatedly queried with slightly different parameters to produce alternative and potentially more correct translations. Our results show that this search procedure helps to obtain significantly better code translations.Comment: 13 pages including appendix and reference

    Synthesizing a Progression of Subtasks for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks

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    Block-based visual programming environments play an increasingly important role in introducing computing concepts to K-12 students. In recent years, they have also gained popularity in neuro-symbolic AI, serving as a benchmark to evaluate general problem-solving and logical reasoning skills. The open-ended and conceptual nature of these visual programming tasks make them challenging, both for state-of-the-art AI agents as well as for novice programmers. A natural approach to providing assistance for problem-solving is breaking down a complex task into a progression of simpler subtasks; however, this is not trivial given that the solution codes are typically nested and have non-linear execution behavior. In this paper, we formalize the problem of synthesizing such a progression for a given reference block-based visual programming task. We propose a novel synthesis algorithm that generates a progression of subtasks that are high-quality, well-spaced in terms of their complexity, and solving this progression leads to solving the reference task. We show the utility of our synthesis algorithm in improving the efficacy of AI agents (in this case, neural program synthesizers) for solving tasks in the Karel programming environment. Then, we conduct a user study to demonstrate that our synthesized progression of subtasks can assist a novice programmer in solving tasks in the Hour of Code: Maze Challenge by Code-dot-org
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